The Pandemic's Effects on Gender Equality in the Workplace

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This has been an unprecedented and challenging year to say the very least. Everyone in the workforce has been forced to adapt to the “new” way of working - at breakneck speed with very little warning. On top of these changes, employees are not only struggling with work, but also with financial and health concerns. Stress and burnout are a reality, and it looks to be having a greater impact on women. McKinsey’s annual Women in the Workplace study, paints a very clear picture of the effects the COVID-19 pandemic is having on women. Below are a several key takeaways from the report.

The report states, “women are more likely to have been laid off or furloughed during the COVID-19 crisis, stalling their careers and jeopardizing their financial security.” With schools and childcare centers closed, women find themselves not only having to do a "double shift" of work followed by household labor and childcare, but having to do both at the same time.


seniorAlthough it is clear that a lot of companies have adjusted to more flexible working, only half have updated employees on their plans for performance reviews or their productivity expectations during COVID-19. The Mckinsey report mentions that “women are often held to higher performance standards than men, and they may be more likely to take the blame for failure– because of this the burnout, particularly at senior levels is quite apparent as women feel more pressure to work harder and longer.

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More than 1 in 4 women are contemplating downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce completely, with the leading causes being burnouts, workplace discrimination, and inequality in career advancement. Women of color, especially Black women, face additional challenges such as lack of allyship and support in the workplace. McKinsey’s findings all point to a clear need to focus on workplace flexibility, employee well-being, and diversity & inclusion strategies. Otherwise, companies are at risk of losing women in leadership and future women leaders, unwinding years of progress toward gender equality.

How Can Companies Support Women in the Workforce? 

So, what can companies do to continue to close the equality gap? McKinsey's report concludes with several key suggestions including establishing work-life boundaries, providing flexibility, assessing whether current productivity and performance expectations, and importantly evaluating performance.
Taking steps to eliminate bias is another critical way companies can support women. The pandemic may be amplifying biases women have faced for years: higher performance standards, harsher judgement for mistakes and penalties for being mothers and for taking advantage of flexible work options. Given that managers and co-workers now have less visibility into their colleague’s day-to-day work, they may be more likely to make assumptions about their performance and this increases the chance of bias creeping in. 
Bias training can help but leaders and employees should speak publicly about the potentially outsize impact of bias during COVID-19. It is also important to track outcomes for promotions and raises by gender as well as the breakdown of layoffs and furloughs by gender to make sure women and men are being treated fairly.

Has the Pandemic Had Any Positive Effects for Women in the Workplace?

There are some positive impacts on the change to the way we are working. With 93% of companies saying that more jobs can be performed remotely and 70% of companies predicting a large share of employees with regularly work remotely a year from now. Employees are saying that they want to continue to work from home more often than they did before COVID-19.

With remote working being a possibility, companies have access to wider talent pools meaning more diverse talent in roles that before were not a possibility due to extensive commutes or being required to relocate.

As we bid a thankful farewell to the year of 2020, not knowing how long the effects of COVID-19 will last, we can change and adapt our companies to help mitigate the decrease of gender equality and improve burnout in a remote working world.


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